The Daily Take Care of Yourself Checklist Summary

health Jul 10, 2022

This is a guest post from Luciana Miles, natural health & lifestyle coach & consultant for Transforming Greatness. 

You can check out her different coaching packages and courses right here in the Transforming Greatness store

So now we have been through each step of the Daily Take Care of Yourself Checklist: the four essential actions that you should be completing every day, an easy way to check in with yourself and make sure you are taking care of yourself.

In review:

We have step 1: Get 30 Minutes of Sunshine A Day

  1. Schedule it

  2. No sunglasses (glasses, contacts)

  3. No toxic sunscreen

We have step 2: Get 30 Minutes of Exercise At Least 5 Days A Week

  1. Schedule it

  2. Heart rate must be elevated

We have step 3: Drink At Least 2 Liters of Water A Day

  1. Get a liter water bottle (or 1.5 liters) and carry it wherever you go drinking constantly

  2. Drink at least two of these a day

And lastly we have step 4: Ate Mainly Fruits & Vegetables

  1. Get most of your groceries from the produce section weekly

  2. Shop for pantry staples bi-weekly or monthly

  3. When you go out to eat fill your plate with fruits & veggies

  4. Make your plate colorful

If you think you don't have time for these actions you are most likely overcommitted which means you need to ask the Father to reveal to you and lead you to what is important to/for you and away from what is not, and ask Him to give you the strength to act on these revelations.

So pray, sit down, list out all of your priorities, make your health a priority, and release what is unimportant, trivial, unwanted, and not for you.

These essential actions are more important than your job, your church obligations, your extracurricular activities, or your family. All of these things require you to be alive and in good health to take part in and enjoy. Please understand this and treat these actions accordingly.

If you think you don't need to schedule them and you can just keep it all in your mind/head or that somehow you will just fit them into your schedule you are deceiving yourself.

Things come up, life gets crazy, and there will come a time where everything on this earth seems to come at you when you are just trying to take care of you and your loved ones. This is not a problem if you've blocked off the time for these actions.

The idea is not to be perfect. The idea is to recognize and acknowledge the importance of these actions and then ACT ACCORDINGLY.

How you treat your body is a direct reflection of how much you value the life that you've been given.

Picture this: Your body is a car and you are at the wheel. The decisions you make will determine whether or not that car breaks down, whether it will need repairs, whether it will last, or whether it is completely totaled.

If you have a family, they are in the car with you. How do you drive that body (car). Because not only will the choices you make directly affect them (if your car is totaled it affects them, if your car needs repairs it affects them) but your habits will be their habits. Your ways most times become their ways.

How do you want them to drive their car? What kind of value do you want them to put on their life, their body? The choice is and has always been YOURS.

To go deeper with this and/or for customized coaching:

The Living The Healthy Lifestyle Course

This course teaches you how to live a healthy lifestyle day in and day out through a three phase, three month process, each phase corresponding to a month.

The Living The Healthy Lifestyle Course & Coaching

The Living The Healthy Lifestyle Course with 4 weekly 1 hour coaching sessions included. 

Natural Health & Lifestyle Coaching

In 12 weekly sessions you will receive & implement a completely customized natural health & lifestyle plan specifically made for you and your life. This plan will have the ability to grow and adapt with you as your life changes because it will be based on what works and what will work until the end of time. 

Get started walking in God's original design and receive a free 30 minute assessment and purpose discovery tool.


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